Sponsor Parents and Grandparents

Parent Sponsorship Services by Five Riverz Immigration

At Five Riverz Immigration, we recognize the significance of family unity and the desire of many new Canadians to sponsor their parents to join them in Canada. However, navigating the parent sponsorship process can be complex due to its competitive nature and stringent requirements. That's where our expertise comes in to streamline the process and maximize your chances of success.

Understanding the Process:

The Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP) serves as a pathway for Canadian citizens and permanent residents outside Quebec to sponsor their parents and grandparents to become permanent residents of Canada. Here's how the process typically unfolds:

1. Submission of Interest to Sponsor Form: Citizens and permanent residents interested in sponsoring their parents must first submit an Interest to Sponsor form to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

2. Random Draws and Invitations to Apply (ITA): IRCC operates a lottery system to select sponsors from the pool of applicants. Those selected receive Invitations to Apply (ITA), prompting them to move forward with the sponsorship process.

3. Full Application Submission: Upon receiving an ITA, sponsors and their parents/grandparents have 60 days to submit a complete application to IRCC. This includes providing all necessary documentation and meeting specified criteria.

Essential Sponsorship Requirements: To be eligible to sponsor parents or grandparents, sponsors must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Be at least 18 years old.
  • Reside in Canada.
  • You must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or a person registered in the Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act.
  • Meet minimum income requirements for the preceding three years to demonstrate sufficient financial means to support the sponsored individuals. This can include combined income with a spouse in the same household.

Who Can Be Sponsored? Under the Parents and Grandparents Program, eligible individuals for sponsorship include:

  • Parents and grandparents who are related by blood or an adoption to a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
  • In cases of remarriage, spouses or common-law partners of parents and grandparents are also eligible.
  • Full or half brothers and sisters of the sponsor may be eligible if they meet the criteria of dependent children.

Consider the Parents and Grandparents Super Visa: The Parents and Grandparents Super Visa offers an alternative solution for those unsuccessful in the parental sponsorship process. This visa enables parents or grandparents to visit Canada for extended periods, with stays of up to two years and multiple entries allowed for up to ten years.

At Five Riverz Immigration, we are committed to simplifying the parent sponsorship process and helping you achieve your family reunification goals. Contact us today to explore your options and embark on this journey together.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How does the Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP) work?

    The PGP allows Canadian citizens and permanent residents outside Quebec to sponsor their parents and grandparents to become permanent residents of Canada. Sponsors must first submit an Interest to Sponsor form, and if selected through a random draw, they receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). After receiving an ITA, sponsors have 60 days to submit a complete application.

  • What are the eligibility criteria for sponsors under the PGP?

    To sponsor parents or grandparents, sponsors must:

    • Be at least 18 years old.
    • Reside in Canada.
    • Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or registered Indian under the Canadian Indian Act.
    • Demonstrate sufficient financial means to support the sponsored individuals by meeting minimum income requirements for the past three years.
  • Who can be sponsored under the PGP?

    Eligible individuals for sponsorship under the PGP include:

    • Parents and grandparents who share a biological or adoptive relationship with a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
    • Spouses or common-law partners of the parents and grandparents, even in cases of remarriage.
    • Full or half siblings of the sponsor, granted they meet the conditions stipulated for dependent children.
  • What is the Parents and Grandparents Super Visa?

    This Visa is an alternative for those who are unsuccessful in the parental sponsorship process. It allows parents or grandparents to visit Canada for extended periods, with stays of up to two years at a time and multiple entries allowed for up to ten years.

  • How long does the parent sponsorship process typically take?

    The processing time for parent sponsorship applications can vary. Once an application is submitted after receiving an ITA, it undergoes thorough assessment by IRCC. Factors such as the completeness of the application and the volume of applications received can influence processing times. It's essential to stay updated on processing times through official channels.

  • Can I include my siblings in the sponsorship application?

    Siblings may be included in the sponsorship application if they qualify as the sponsor's dependent children. Full or half brothers and sisters can be sponsored under certain circumstances, provided they meet the eligibility criteria specified by IRCC.

  • What documents are required for the parent sponsorship application?

    The parent sponsorship application requires various documents, including proof of identity, relationship, financial support, and medical examinations. Additionally, sponsors may need to provide supporting documents such as tax returns, employment records, and letters of explanation. It's crucial to ensure all required documents are accurately prepared and submitted to avoid delays in processing.

  • Can I appeal if my parent sponsorship application is refused?

    Sponsors have the right to appeal if their parent sponsorship application is refused. The appeals process involves submitting an appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) within the specified timeframe, along with relevant supporting documents. It's advisable to seek professional assistance when navigating the appeals process to increase the chances of a successful outcome.

If you aspire to apply for sponsoring your Parents/Grandparents, consider booking a consultation with Five Riverz Immigration. Our experienced immigration lawyers can discuss your unique circumstances and guide you through the preparation of a successful application.

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